We are driven by your success

We believe that results are achieved by working together as one, be it within a managed service or delivering on projects as consultants, architects, or quality assurance engineers.

Our team will become an integral part of our clients’ organization while living our values of integrity and accountability.

Working together
as one


Satisfied Clients

The most important function of a consulting services firm is to build a team of qualified personnel for diverse jobs in the industry. This needs industry experience and leadership skills. Keeping this in mind, we created Point Apogee. At Point Apogee, the right person is recruited for the right job, to maximize productivity of our clients.

Technologies are evolving at lightning speed requiring industry leaders to make quick decisions. Point Apogee provides the intellectual workforce to enable our clients in strategic and tactical decision making. We are also equipped to turn those decisions into reality by working together with our clients as one.

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Why choose us


Turning Goals into reality

As your manpower solution providers, we put in our best efforts in ensuring your goals are transformed into reality.


Harnessing creativity

We inspire creativity among our team that enhances the quality of selection process thereby assuring quality of candidates short listed.


Keeping it simple

Eventually, our action plan, the process and everything that we deliver to you is so simple that it is easily understood and executed.  

Our Vision

Maximizing the productivity of our clients by recruiting the right person for the right job.
Creating long-term value by recruiting the right person for the right job

Our Mission

Maximizing the productivity of our clients by providing them with staffing, consulting and managed services that enable them to turn their goals into reality.
We achieve this by recruiting, training, and retraining the right person for the right job building careers one individual at a time.

Our Values

Right person for the right job.

At Point Apogee, the right person is recruited for the right job, to maximize productivity of our clients.

Our Company